
Provides inline auto completion suggestions for an input or textarea.
  • Draft
  • Not reviewed for accessibility
import {InlineAutocomplete} from '@primer/react/drafts'

The InlineAutocomplete component extends an Input or Textarea component to provide inline suggestions, similar to those provided by a code editor.


Input components must always be accompanied by a corresponding label to improve support for assistive technologies. Examples below are provided for conciseness and may not reflect accessibility best practices.

InlineAutocomplete can be used with the FormControl component to render a corresponding label.

Multi-line input

Try typing a # symbol to see suggestions. Use Enter or click to apply a suggestion.

Single-line input




children Required

An input or textarea compatible component to extend. A compatible component is any component that forwards a ref and props to an underlying input or textarea element, including but not limited to Input, TextArea, input, textarea, styled.input, and styled.textarea. If the child is not compatible, a runtime TypeError will be thrown.

triggers Required

Register the triggers that can cause suggestions to appear.

(event: SelectSuggestionsEvent) => void

Called when a suggestion is selected. This should be used only for performing side effects, not for modifying the inserted text. Do not call setState in this handler or the user's cursor position / undo history could be lost.

onShowSuggestions Required
(event: ShowSuggestionsEvent) => void

Called when a valid suggestion query is updated. This should be handled by setting the suggestions prop accordingly.

onShowSuggestions Required
() => void

Called when suggestions should be hidden. Set suggestions to null or an empty array in this case.

suggestions Required
Suggestion[] | null | 'loading'

The currently visible list of suggestions. If loading, a loading indicator will be shown. If null or empty, the list will be hidden. Suggestion sort will be preserved. Typically, this should not contain more than five or so suggestions.


If true, suggestions will be applied with both Tab and Enter, instead of just Enter. This may be expected behavior for users used to IDEs, but use caution when hijacking browser tabbing capability.




  • Component props and basic example usage of the component are documented on
  • Component does not have any unnecessary third-party dependencies.
  • Component can adapt to different themes.
  • Component can adapt to different screen sizes.
  • Component has robust unit test coverage (100% where achievable).
  • Component has visual regression coverage of its default and interactive states.
  • Component does not introduce any axe violations.
  • Component has been manually reviewed by the accessibility team and any resulting issues have been addressed.


  • Component is used in a production application.
  • Common usage examples are documented on
  • Common usage examples are documented in storybook stories.
  • Component has been reviewed by a systems designer and any resulting issues have been addressed.
  • Component does not introduce any performance regressions.


  • Component API has been stable with no breaking changes for at least one month.
  • Feedback on API usability has been sought from developers using the component and any resulting issues have been addressed.
  • Component has corresponding design guidelines documented in the interface guidelines.
  • Component has corresponding Figma component in the Primer Web library.
  • Tooling (such as linters, codemods, etc.) exists to prevent further use of alternatives.